Sarah is Policy Advisor with the Diversity and Immigration Program within the Economic Development and Tourism Department of the Regional Municipality of Durham. In this role, she helps to coordinate the Local Immigration Partnership (LIP), a community based, multi-sector partnership to prepare the community to participate in attraction, settlement and inclusion of newcomers across Durham.
Prior to joining the Region of Durham, Sarah worked within the Government of Ontario in Cabinet Office and in Ministries responsible for Postsecondary Education, Citizenship and Immigration, and Children and Youth Services. Sarah also spent time working as a consultant and manager in economic development and in victim services in the State of Massachusetts.
Some of her accomplishments include: developing the Region’s first Newcomer Advisory Table; leading Ministers Employers Table consultations across Ontario on the federal government’s immigration policies and programs; and, helping to lead the Provincial-Territorial Secretariat for Ministers of Immigration, bringing voice to regional immigration related priorities; and, developing a free legal service program for victims of crime in the US.