Peter brings 30+ years of K-12 sector experience and know-how to his role as the Executive Officer of IT Services (ITS) at the Toronto District School Board.
Peter is a passionate advocate for the power of technology to bring positive and transformative changes to the way that students and staff work, teach and learn at the TDSB. During his 14 years as the leader of ITS, he has been responsible for overseeing and supporting a wide range of innovative strategic and operational initiatives that have helped transform how technology services are delivered to classrooms, schools and central departments across the organization.
Some of his key areas of focus include modernizing TDSB’s technology infrastructure to improve the stability, availability and security of online systems, supporting digital transformation initiatives that automate and streamline manual administrative tasks and processes, and improving technology integration in the classroom to support student achievement, well-being and equity.
Peter has also been focussed on improving communication and engagement with clients and stakeholders inside and outside of the organization in order to develop stronger relationships and collaborative partnerships.