Mike Stoddart

Mike Stoddart

Inspector Mike Stoddart is a 22 year member of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) in Canada. He is currently leading the Provincial Anti-Terrorism Section within the Provincial Operations Intelligence Bureau of the OPP. The Provincial Anti-Terrorism Section (P.A.T.S.) is an O.P.P.
led joint forces operation comprised of intelligence officers from municipal, provincial and federal agencies mandated to conduct multi-jurisdictional strategic intelligence operations on matters involving international, domestic, and issue specific terrorism in Ontario.

Mike’s career includes extensive experience in case managing major criminal investigation including Death investigations, Robberies and Sex Assault investigations.

Mike was responsible for all major criminal investigations on Canada’s busiest highway system. He implemented a Major Case Management (MCM) process for major criminal traffic investigations; supervised a number of high profile, complex criminal investigations where he introduced investigative techniques in non-traditional criminal investigations including: undercover operations, physical surveillance, judicial authorizations, unmanned aerial systems, and covert internet /social media exploitation related to criminal offences occurring on Ontario’s Highways.

Mike is a graduate of the Leadership in Counter Terrorism Course (LINCT) as well as the Rotman School of Business Police Leadership course.

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