Kevin Bocek is responsible for security strategy and threat intelligence at Venafi. He brings more than 16 years of experience in IT security with leading security and privacy leaders including RSA Security, Thales, PGP Corporation, IronKey, CipherCloud, nCipher, and Xcert. He is sought after for comment by the world’s leading media such as Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Washington Post,Forbes, Fortune, BBC, Süddeutsche Zeitung, USA
Today, Associated Press,Guardian, and Telegraph along with security press including SC Magazine, Dark Reading, and Network World. Most recently, Mr. Bocek led the investigation that identified Secretary Hillary Clinton’s email server did not use digital certificates and encryption for the first 3 months of term. Research showed her email could have been read and credentials stolen for long term email monitoring. This groundbreaking research that “went back in time” was made possible using Venafi TrustNet, the world’s first certificate reputation service.
In 2013, Mr. Bocek led Venafi’s investigation in to how Edward Snowden used cryptographic keys and digital certificates to breach the NSA. His findings were corroborated by classified memos between the NSA and US Department of Justice. Kevin has successfully deployed authentication and encryption solutions for the world’s most demanding financial institutions, telcos, and government agencies. His early success securing critical systems included designing and engineering cutting-edge Java and smart card–based encryption and PKI applications for the U.S. government.
Kevin has authored several books, including PCI Cardholder Data Protection for Dummies and Laptop Encryption for Dummies and co-authored research projects with The Ponemon Institute including the Cost of Data Breach, Cost of Failed Trust, and Worldwide Encryption Trends reports. Mr. Bocek has a B.S. in chemistry from the College of William & Mary and an MBA from Wake Forest University. And