John Roberts is the Chief Privacy Officer and Archivist of Ontario, and since May 2020, acting Chief Information Security Officer, at the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services. He has been active in addressing privacy and recordkeeping issues in data and digital initiatives throughout the Ontario public sector, especially in respect of data integration. As acting CISO he now has oversight of the Cybersecurity Strategy, while as Archivist of Ontario he promotes access to the Archives of Ontario’s collections.
John has over thirty years of experience in operational, policy and senior leadership roles delivering government information management and digital government initiatives. Prior to joining the Ontario Public Service in 2015 he worked in the New Zealand government. His extensive knowledge of information management and privacy protection has contributed to his numerous achievements in policy, strategy, legislation, and modernisation of public sector information management.
John has also held leadership roles in a number of professional associations, has been active in international initiatives, and has frequently published and presented internationally. He holds an MA from Victoria University of Wellington, and a Masters in Information Management and Systems from Monash University in Australia.