John Pinard

John Pinard

John Pinard has over 30 years business and IT leadership experience gathered through a variety of roles. As part of the IT Leadership team at DUCA Financial Services Credit Union, John is currently responsible for the organizations network infrastructure, IT Operations, endpoints, HelpDesk and overall IT security. In addition to his role at DUCA, John is also a Cybersecurity speaker for SiberX (a leading provider of blog all, customized Cybersecurity training discussion platform) and holds a position on their Advisory Board. Prior to joining DUCA, John was the VP, Information Technology and Digital Transformation at United Jewish Appeal (UJA). John has also held the positions of CIO at Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority (RPRA) a government related regulatory organization in the environmental space, Senior Director, Information Systems for Canada’s largest retirement home organization, Head of Information Technology for one of Canada’s leading name-brand pharmaceutical manufacturers.

John began his career as a Programmer Analyst and has worked his way up through careers at companies like Coca-Cola Ltd. and Makita Power Tools as well as a consulting role with a premium IBM Business Partner.


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