For more than 25 years, Grant Asplund has been sharing his insights on how businesses can best protect themselves from sophisticated cyber-attacks in an increasingly complex world. As Check Point’s chief evangelist, he travels the world enthralling audiences with his passionate and relational storytelling at conferences like RSA and Next100 CIOs and numerous media interviews. Grant’s was Check Point first worldwide evangelist from 1998 to 2002 and returned to Check Point with the acquisition of Dome9. Grant’s wide range of cyber security experience informs his talks, having served in diverse roles ranging from sales, marketing, business development, and senior management for Dome 9, Blue Coat Systems, Neustar, and Altor Networks. As CEO of MetaInfo, he led its acquisition by Neustar. Grant is the host of the CISO Secrets podcast (cp.buzzsprout.com) and the Talking Cloud Podcast (talkingcloud.podbean.com) on Cloud security.