Dr. Rabiah Ahmed

Dr. Rabiah Ahmed

Received BSc Computer Science (UTM), MSc Information Security (Royal Holloway University of London), PhD Information Studies (University of Sheffield). She is Professor in Information Security since 2015 at the Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka. Her administration position was Deputy Director for Research Management Center UTeM from 2013-2017. In 2017 to 2020 she was appointed as the Director at UTeM Center for Strategic Planing, Quality and Risks Management. Current position is the Dean of Faculty of Information System & Communication Technology UTeM. Rabiah actively involved in teaching information security and related area at Universities and International Training Center; UTeM, UTM, and German Malaysia Institute. Rabiah Ahmad was appointed Head of Examination Committee Professional Scheme in Cyber Security known as Global Accreditation of Cyber Security Education (the GlobalACE Scheme) initiated by OIC-Center for Emergency Response Team (OIC-CERT). Her research interests include Information Security Management, Security Architecture, Healthcare system security, Cyber Physical System Security and Insider Threats. Rabiah was a project leader for many projects in information security with cost more than RM2 Million. Throughout her career, she has published various articles in the area of information security and cyber physical system at national and international journal, conferences and public media. Her latest publications are first; Cyber Terrorism: Policy and Technical Perspective; Second: Multimedia Forensics. Rabiah Ahmad registered as professional membership to OIC-CERT since 2015 and she involved in special project titled “Combating Cyber Violent Extremism” funded by Organization of Islamic Cooperation. Her outstanding contribution in information and cyber security can be seen through her involvement as invited speaker, examiners and reviewers for various occasions related to both areas for local and international institutions.

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