David Balcar is a Security Strategist at VMware Carbon Black. David is a security veteran with over 18 years’ experience in conducting Security Research, Network Penetration testing, Incident Response and Computer Forensics.
David is a regular featured speaker at Security Conferences worldwide, presenting on subjects including security trends, penetration testing, top threats and network security hardening. He is a member of the HTCIA (High Technology Crime Investigation Association), and ISSA (Information Systems Security Association).
At VMware Carbon Black, David is responsible for the presales activities of the VMware Carbon Black portfolio.
In addition to providing IT Security Training & Security consulting, David presents on security trends, penetration testing, top threats and network security hardening at Global Security Conferences. Topics include: IR: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly, Security in 140 characters or Less… (Because No One Needs 280…), Top Security Threats, You’ve Been Breached Now What?, APT’s and Breaches – Security is a Mission Not an Intermission and Insider Threats: Stories from Outside the Cubical.
David is also asked to speak at Public and Private companies about Security trends in the field across the globe.